
Homeopathic Products

Homeopathic medicine stimulates the natural defenses of the body working with the body to cure common health problems.  Sources of these medicines are from the three kingdoms of nature; vegetable, animal and mineral.  Dosages are weak and there are no harmful side effects and these medicines help the body to heal itself naturally.  Common ailments  which respond to homeopathy are:  colds, allergies, headaches, flu, sinus, earaches, menstrual problems, indigestion, sleeplessness, bruises, runny noses, diarrhea, and many more.  These ailments, as well as many others, are very simply and effectively relieved by the use of homeopathic products.  Homeopathic products must be placed under the tongue away from food or drink to have the best results possible!

Ruta Graveolens (9c) - Pellets

CODE: Ruta Graveolens


Strained ligaments, Eye strain due to computer use.

Cina (9c)

CODE: Cina


Nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness in children.

Calcarea Carbonica (9 c)

CODE: Calcarea Carbonica


Fatigue and weakness in children.

Ipecacuanha (9 c) - Pellets

CODE: Ipecacuanha


Nausea & Vomiting.

Cuprum Metallicum (9c)

CODE: Cuprum Metallicum


Muscle cramps

D-46 Gout Liquid (1oz)

CODE: D-46 Gout



Calcarea Sulphurica (9c)

CODE: Calcarea Sulphurica


Boils, Acne

Drosera Rotundifolia (9c)

CODE: Drosera Rotundifolia


Spasmodic dry cough

Lycopodium Clavatum (9c) - Pellets

CODE: Lycopodium Clayatum


Bloated abdomen improved by passing gas.  Digestive problems.

Cinchona Officinalis (9c)

CODE: Cinchona Officinalis


Diarrhea with gas and bloating.